Microsoft has released the optional KB4601382 Preview cumulative update for Windows 10 2004 and Windows 10 20H2.
This cumulative update is the February 2021 monthly “C” update that allows users and admins to preview the upcoming fixes scheduled for release in the upcoming March 2021 Patch Tuesday.
This preview update only contains bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features and does not include any security updates.
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You can install the update by going into Settings, clicking on Windows Update, and then selecting ‘Check for Updates.’ As this is an optional update, you will then be required to click on the download and install button.
Microsoft is combining the latest servicing stack update (SSU) into the cumulative update starting with this release. If you attempt to install the preview update and receive an “0x800f0823 – CBS_E_NEW_SERVICING_STACK_REQUIRED” error, you should first install the most recent standalone SSU (KB4598481) and try again.
After installing this update, Windows 10 2004 will be updated to build 19041.844, and Windows 10 20H2 will be updated to build 19042.844.
The Windows 10 KB4601382 cumulative update preview includes 41 improvements or fixes. Below are the highlighted fixes and improvements with this update:
When cumulative updates are released, Microsoft also shares what are the known issues or conflicts that may occur after it is installed. Below are the known issues in KB4601382.
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Symptoms | Workaround |
System and user certificates might be lost when updating a device from Windows 10, version 1809 or later to a later version of Windows 10. Devices will only be impacted if they have already installed any Latest cumulative update (LCU) released September 16, 2020 or later and then proceed to update to a later version of Windows 10 from media or an installation source which does not have an LCU released October 13, 2020 or later integrated. This primarily happens when managed devices are updated using outdated bundles or media through an update management tool such as Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) or Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager. This might also happen when using outdated physical media or ISO images that do not have the latest updates integrated.Note Devices using Windows Update for Business or that connect directly to Windows Update are not impacted. Any device connecting to Windows Update should always receive the latest versions of the feature update, including the latest LCU, without any extra steps. | If you have already encountered this issue on your device, you can mitigate it within the uninstall window by going back to your previous version of Windows using the instructions here. The uninstall window might be 10 or 30 days depending on the configuration of your environment and the version you’re updating to. You will then need to update to the later version of Windows 10 after the issue is resolved in your environment. Note Within the uninstall window, you can increase the number of days you have to go back to your previous version of Windows 10 by using the DISM command /Set-OSUninstallWindow. You must make this change before the default uninstall window has lapsed. For more information, see DISM operating system uninstall command-line options.We are working on a resolution and will provide updated bundles and refreshed media in the coming weeks. |
When using the Microsoft Japanese Input Method Editor (IME) to enter Kanji characters in an app that automatically allows the input of Furigana characters, you might not get the correct Furigana characters. You might need to enter the Furigana characters manually.Note The affected apps are using the ImmGetCompositionString() function. | We are working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming relea |