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Apple iCloud Mail Outage Causing Email Sending, Receiving Issues

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Apple iCloud Mail Outage Causing Email Sending, Receiving Issues
Apple iCloud Mail Outage Causing Email Sending, Receiving Issues
Apple iCloud Mail Outage Causing Email Sending, Receiving Issues
Apple iCloud Mail Outage Causing Email Sending, Receiving Issues
Apple iCloud Mail Outage Causing Email Sending, Receiving Issues

Apple iCloud Mail Outage Causing Email Sending, Receiving Issues

Apple’s iCloud Mail service is suffering an outage since this morning, preventing some people from sending and receiving emails.

iCloud Mail is Apple’s free email service where users can get an email address at the,, or domains.

Starting this morning at 7:13 AM EST, iCloud Mail users began reporting that they were having difficulty sending or receiving an email to their accounts.

The issues are affecting some accounts differently, as some users can receive email but not send, while others can send but not receive.

The outage map from user reports at DownDetector indicates that the outage mostly affects users in the central and western portion of the United States.

Outage map for iCloud Mail
Outage map for iCloud Mail
Source: DownDetector

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Apple has confirmed the outage on their system status page where they state, “Users may be experiencing intermittent issues with this service.”

Apple’s support account on Twitter also confirmed the outage but has not provided any estimates when the service will be restored.

We’re happy to provide information about this. Currently there is an outage affecting iCloud Mail. Keep an eye on this page to see when it has been resolved: If you’re still having trouble after, please let us know.

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Update 4/26/21: Apple states they resolved this issue at 12:17 PM EST but did not provide a cause for the outage.

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