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Tag: singapore

Vulnerability assessment Singapore: The complete checklist
Vulnerability assessment Singapore: The complete checklist
Vulnerability assessment Singapore: The complete checklist
Vulnerability assessment Singapore: The complete checklist

Vulnerability assessment Singapore: The complete checklist

Vulnerability assessment Singapore: The complete checklist With organizations increasingly relying on information technology to gain a competitive edge, keeping the IT infrastructure secure should be one of the top responsibilities. Leaving security flaws unsolved and accessible for hackers to exploit can result in significant monetary and reputational harm. Vulnerability assessment is a technique used by Organizations

Cybersecurity Singapore: The nation’s approach to protecting its cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Singapore: The nation’s approach to protecting its cybersecurity SINGAPORE: Singapore presented a revised national cybersecurity plan on October 5, 2021. It would seem that the country takes a more proactive approach to defend its infrastructure and enhance capabilities when new cyber threats and technological advancements occur. The Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) will analyze businesses

Check the Do Not Call Registry in Singapore before marketing to phone numbers

Before marketing to phone numbers, check first the Do Not Call Registry in Singapore Despite statistics showing that more than 90% of Singaporeans own a smartphone, many businesses continue to rely on telemarketing and cold calling to find new clients. These organizations must adhere to data protection rules that govern the use of personal data

How COVID-19 Contact Tracing in Singapore Applies at Workplace

How COVID-19 Contact Tracing in Singapore Applies at Workplace Contact tracing systems have been implemented by almost all Covid-19-hit countries as the primary mode of dealing with this dragging pandemic. Through the aid of advanced technology the primary carriers including their immediate contacts are traced and exposure sites are quickly identified. This has been proven

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