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Tag: singapore

Data collection methods: How to do these right
Data collection methods: How to do these right
Data collection methods: How to do these right
Data collection methods: How to do these right

Data collection methods: How to do these right

Organisations collect customers’ personal data in exchange for the services they provide. In doing so, they must ensure that the data collection methods they use are in compliance with the PDPA or else face the hefty financial penalty to be imposed by the PDPC.

Breach of PDPA Singapore: 5 Things Your Organisation Should Know

The breach of PDPA Singapore occurs when organisations become negligent of their obligations under the PDPA. In breaching the PDPA, here are 5 things every organisations should know.

Insider threats in cybersecurity: When employees sabotage 

Employees are considered the weakest link when it comes to the organisation’s cybersecurity. Provided that employees have access to the personal data that the organisation manages, employee sabotage is the biggest insider threat that must be addressed before it becomes a problem in the future.

Yes, you can win against phishing attacks.

Phishing attacks have become a global problem that is seemingly an unbreakable trend, with hackers acting like vultures that are increasingly becoming sophisticated in how they scam people and exploit their vulnerabilities. Thankfully, there is a way to win against it and be safe from the looming risk that it accompanies.

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