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Tag: privacy ninja

What it means to get a Data Protection Trustmark Certification
What it means to get a Data Protection Trustmark Certification
What it means to get a Data Protection Trustmark Certification
What it means to get a Data Protection Trustmark Certification

What it means to get a Data Protection Trustmark Certification

What it means to get a Data Protection Trustmark certification We put various personal information to organizations for many purposes, such as our names, contact numbers, and our home and business address. We do this to help us easily transact with our trusted organizations who provide us services or keep us updated with the latest

A guide to Singapore’s Do Not Call Registry

The Do Not Call Registry of Singapore In 2020, it has been estimated that there are 4.65 million smartphone users in Singapore or more than 90% of its population. With this number, as a means of prospecting customers, Singapore companies continue to rely on cold calling and telemarketing strategies to boost their sales and reach

How often should you pen test?

Pen tests are a must The internet offers a lot of benefits to businesses everywhere as it opens opportunities that were not present before the digital age, but it has its fair share of downsides. These opportunities were also accompanied by vulnerabilities and threats wherein cybercriminals can easily exploit. To avoid this from happening, some

What is a data protection officer? Through the lens of a Master DPO

What is a Data Protection Officer? A Data Protection Officer (DPO) is an officer that oversees data protection responsibilities, and the one who ensures that organizations comply with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA).  Under the PDPA, it is required for organizations to designate at least an individual as a DPO where their responsibilities include,


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