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Tag: privacy ninja

Knowing the basics of cybersecurity
Knowing the basics of cybersecurity
Knowing the basics of cybersecurity
Knowing the basics of cybersecurity

Knowing the basics of cybersecurity

The basics of cybersecurity Attackers are now employing more complex methods to target systems. Individuals, small enterprises, and major organizations are all affected with this. As a result, all of these businesses, whether IT or non-IT, have recognized the necessity of cybersecurity and are working on implementing all available countermeasures to cyber attacks. With cyber

5 Best practices for protecting corporate data when an employee leaves

Protecting corporate data when an employee leaves In September of last year, the Singapore High Court heard an intriguing case involving Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). An employee had left his previous job, an investment business, to work for a rival. This employee wrote an email to a former employer’s client at his current

The necessity of conducting penetration testing and vulnerability assessment

Conducting penetration testing and vulnerability assessment According to Trustwave’s 2018 Global Security Report, all online apps are vulnerable to attack. Every application had at least one vulnerability with an average of eleven discovered per application. In addition, the research found a significant rise in the number of vulnerabilities disclosed in 2017. This is mostly due

10 most notable data breach cases in 2021

The year is about to end, and there’s a lot for us to look back and set as a reminder for us not to do again. As the PDPC strictly monitors data breaches and related endeavors, organizations must make sure that they are kept abreast with the recent decisions and undertaking of the PDPC as


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