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Tag: pdpa

Razer Pay App Free Masks: Would You Exchange Your Data For A Piece Of Mask?
Razer Pay App Free Masks: Would You Exchange Your Data For A Piece Of Mask?
Razer Pay App Free Masks: Would You Exchange Your Data For A Piece Of Mask?
Razer Pay App Free Masks: Would You Exchange Your Data For A Piece Of Mask?

Razer Pay App Free Masks: Would You Exchange Your Data For A Piece Of Mask?

Razer Pay App to give out about 5 million free masks to Singapore residents Free surgical masks to be dispensed via vending machines using Razer Pay App   On May 11, the tech company said that 20 vending machines dispensing surgical masks will be set up across Singapore.  The vending machines will be placed islandwide,

How does Do Not Call (DNC Registry) Affect Marketing 2020

How Does the Do Not Call (DNC Registry) Provisions Affect Organizations’ Marketing Activities? Nowadays, it is hard to find anyone without access to a phone, hence many businesses continue to rely on telemarketing and cold calling as a means of prospecting customers.  Since the introduction of the Do Not Call (DNC Registry) Provisions under the

Free PDPA Singapore Checklist 2020

PDPA Singapore Checklist This PDPA Singapore Checklist is designed to equip Organisations with an understanding of their preparedness in their Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) compliance. In answering “Yes” to all questions, it may not necessarily translate into meeting all the PDPA requirements. Also, organisations should be able to exhibit and furnish evidence at all

The FREE Guide To The 9 Obligations Of PDPA

The 9 Obligations of PDPA Organizations are required to comply to the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) especially the 9 Obligations of PDPA when collecting, using or disclosing personal data. The 9 Obligations of the PDPA are: Consent Obligation Purpose Limitation Obligation Notification Obligation Access and Correction Obligation Accuracy Obligation Protection Obligation Retention Limitation Obligation Transfer Limitation Obligation Accountability Obligation In the following sections,

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