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Tag: cybersecurity

Breach of PDPA Singapore: 5 Things Your Organisation Should Know
Breach of PDPA Singapore: 5 Things Your Organisation Should Know
Breach of PDPA Singapore: 5 Things Your Organisation Should Know
Breach of PDPA Singapore: 5 Things Your Organisation Should Know

Breach of PDPA Singapore: 5 Things Your Organisation Should Know

The breach of PDPA Singapore occurs when organisations become negligent of their obligations under the PDPA. In breaching the PDPA, here are 5 things every organisations should know.

Email impersonation scams: What are the types and how to protect your business against them?

For the longest time, employees have been the constant target of bad actors simply because they have the level of access that could penetrate the organisation’s cybersecurity. This could be in the form of hacking for passwords, phishing, and, the most common, email impersonation scams. In this article, we defined what is an email impersonation, discussed its types, and explained how you protect your business against them.

A guide to data breach response: What organisations should know

Setting cybersecurity safeguards and policies may not be enough to prevent a breach. This is because there could be hidden vulnerabilities that cannot be noticed firsthand. With this, when there’s a breach that occurs, organisations must conduct a data breach response to mitigate and stop the breach from incurring more damage to the organisation.

Insider threats in cybersecurity: When employees sabotage 

Employees are considered the weakest link when it comes to the organisation’s cybersecurity. Provided that employees have access to the personal data that the organisation manages, employee sabotage is the biggest insider threat that must be addressed before it becomes a problem in the future.

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