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Top 10 Best Freelance Testing Websites That Will Pay You

freelance testing websites
It’s important to know that the freelance testing websites is user-friendly.

Top 10 Best Freelance Testing Websites That Will Pay You

It’s important to know that the site is user-friendly. Because if the company losing visitors due to lousy navigation, lack of clarity, poor design, or crappy content — then company is losing money. This is why companies pay good money for objective third-party reviews of their freelance testing websites and mobile applications.

To test out freelance testing websites from home, you will need to be internet-savvy and speak fluent English. You will also need some basic equipment like a computer with a microphone and camera, broadband internet connection, and an updated web browser. Most tests take between 5 – 25 minutes to complete and pay an average of $10 per test.

Also read: Top 10 Reliable IT Companies in Singapore

To test out freelance testing websites from home, you will need to be internet-savvy and speak fluent English.

Below Are The Top 10 Best Freelance Testing Websites That Will Pay You

1. UserTesting

Earn $10 for each 20-minutes of work (up to $60 per test). To be on a freelance testing websites, submit your email address and complete your application online. Aspiring testers must take a sample test before receiving any assignments. This gig is open to US and International residents who can receive payments via PayPal. Each test takes approximately 15-20 minutes.

2. Respondent

Respondent is a research study platform that conducts surveys, focus group studies, and freelance testing websites gigs. To get started, create an account using your email address, Facebook, or LinkedIn account. Then fill in your contact information, demographics, and employment status. Once everything is complete, you can start browsing projects and apply for ones that sound appealing to you. At the time of writing this post, there was one freelance testing websites gig that paid $40 for 20-minutes, and another that paid $100 for 60-minutes. With Respondent, you’ll need to log in and check the status of pending projects.

3. Userbrain

Earn money by speaking your thoughts while doing a series of tasks at Userbrain. Each project takes approximately 5-15 minutes, and you’ll be paid $3 per test via PayPal. Payments are distributed weekly.

4. TestingTime

Earn up to € 50 per study. Each study is conducted via Skype and usually takes 30-90 minutes. Once the study is completed, you’ll get paid within 5-10 days via PayPal. Testing Time is open to global residents who have an internet connection and Skype installed on a computer.

5. TryMyUI

Earn $10 for 15-20 minutes of your time. To become part of the TryMyUI team first, sign up for an account. Next, you’ll need to take and pass a qualification test. The qualification test is a sample test that shows you understand the process and requirements. After you qualify, you’ll be sent test opportunities via email. Payments are made biweekly via PayPal.

You will also need some basic equipment like a computer with a microphone and camera, broadband internet connection, and an updated web browser.

6. Userfeel

Get paid $10 for providing your thoughts on various websites. To become a website tester, register for an account, and take a sample test. Once your sample is approved, you’ll start getting assignments by email. Payments are made via PayPal at the end of each week, and tests take approximately 10-20 minutes each.

7. Userlytics

Make money for providing feedback on websites, apps, prototypes, concepts, and more. To apply, register for an account, and then wait for an invite to complete an assignment. Once you’ve completed your task, you’ll be paid via PayPal anywhere from $5-$90, depending on the scope of the project you worked on.

8. IntelliZoom

IntelliZoom is a company that conducts website usability tests for desktop and mobile devices. Tests pay $2 for simple surveys and $10 for video submissions. Most tests take between 10-20 minutes to complete, and payments are made via PayPal 21 business days after the completion of the study.

9. Validately

Validately hires testers to complete mobile and website tests for companies. Payments vary depending on the scope of the study, but, according to their website, some tests pay up to $100. Payments are issued via PayPal within seven business days of the test.

10. uTest

uTest hires independent contractors for quality assurance testing for various software and hardware. According to their job posting on Dice, their customers include brands like Google, Amazon, Netflix, and more. To get started, fill out their online application (takes approximately 10 minutes), take an audition test to showcase your tech skills, then wait for assignments to be sent to you via email. I wasn’t able to find out how much testers are paid, but the job listing on said, “In 2016 alone, we paid out over $20 million to QA testers worldwide.”

While you’re not going to get rich doing website testing, it is an easy and flexible way to bring in some extra cash. If this sort of work is appealing, also try looking into Web Search Evaluating positions — this post will tell you all about it.

Also read: 7 Client Data Protection Tips to Keep Customers Safe



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