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Top 5 cybersecurity and data protection articles you loved in 2021

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Top 5 cybersecurity and data protection articles you loved in 2021
Top 5 cybersecurity and data protection articles you loved in 2021
Top 5 cybersecurity and data protection articles you loved in 2021
Top 5 cybersecurity and data protection articles you loved in 2021
Top 5 cybersecurity and data protection articles you loved in 2021
cybersecurity and data protection

Top 5 cybersecurity and data protection articles

We are about to embark on a new year of protecting our data and making sure that no threat actors can get a hold of them. To do this, we must make sure that we are kept abreast with the latest news and trends that could help us be informed of the latest developments in the cybersecurity space.

But before we end this year with a bang, let’s look back at the top five (5) cybersecurity and data protection articles you loved in 2021 that helped you navigate your cybersecurity and data protection duties and needs.

Also Read: December 2021 PDPC Incidents and Undertaking: Lessons from the Cases

Top 5 cybersecurity and data protection articles for 2021

cybersecurity and data protection
Top 5 cybersecurity and data protection articles you loved in 2021

1. PDPA Compliance for real estate agencies 

We know from this article that when real estate agencies collect, use, or disclose an individual’s personal data, such real estate agencies must comply with the PDPA terms or else they will be made to pay a fine which may range up to S$1,000,000.

Furthermore, we also learned from this article that not all data that real estate agencies collect constitute personal data. According to the Advisory Guidelines For The Real Estate Agency Sector of 2014, a data can only be taken as personal if a person can be identified from the data collected. Thus, if the data collected from you by the real estate agencies cannot pinpoint you as a person, then it does not constitute personal data.

2. Tools for penetration testing to choose from

This article gives us an idea of the need for companies to conduct penetration testing for their system, software application, and network to locate vulnerabilities that threat actors could exploit. It is an essential part of an organization’s security, especially since when a data breach occurs, the organization could face a hefty fine. 

Also, we have learned from this article that there is more than one tool for penetration testing. These tools have different purposes and could work differently depending on their use and compatibility. 

cybersecurity and data protection
Cybersecurity and data protection articles highlights for 2021

3. PDPA Compliance for the healthcare sector

Like real estate agencies, we know from this article that when healthcare institutions also collect, use, and disclose personal data, they must comply with the PDPA or be subjected to paying a fine. This article also highlights the importance of hiring a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to ensure that the PDPA compliance needs are satisfied. 

4. The DNC Registry Singapore: 5 Things You Must Know

In this article, we know that some customers who wish to exclude them from telemarketing messages from organizations have a way around it. This is through the Do Not Call (DNC) Registry of Singapore. This gave us an idea that when consumers are registered to DNC Registry, Organizations must make sure to exclude them or else they will be heavily fined. 

cybersecurity and data protection
Cybersecurity and data protection articles you loved for 2021

5. Four (4) Reasons to outsource Penetration Testing Services

This article highlighted the benefits of outsourcing penetration services for your PDPA compliance. With outsourcing penetration services, like what Privacy Ninja offers, organizations could potentially save money, ensure guaranteed experience in the field, achieve Multi-layered cyber protection, and ensure that your organization has strict adherence to PDPA regulations. 

Why these articles?

We believe that these are the top 5 cybersecurity and data protection articles for 2021 as they successfully answer basic queries on ensuring data protection. They are of great help for organizations as they lay out what they need to remember and do as a consequence will be a hefty fine that can be easily prevented. Their commonality basically lies on the informative side of things necessary for organizations to comply with the PDPA regulations enforced by the PDPC. 

Also Read: PDPA Compliance for the Telecommunication Sector


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