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Microsoft pushes Windows 10 KB4023057 Again to Fix Update Issues

Microsoft pushes Windows 10 KB4023057 Again to Fix Update Issues

Microsoft is rolling out the KB4023057 update again to all versions of Windows 10 to ensure that devices can successfully install new updates as they are released.

KB4023057 is being released to offer “reliability improvements to Windows Update Service components” in Windows 10 1507, 1511, 1607, 1703, 1709, 1803, 1909, 2004, 20H2, and 21H1.

Windows 10 KB4023057 update offered in Windows Update
Windows 10 KB4023057 update offered in Windows Update

Microsoft routinely re-releases the KB4023057 to improve the reliability of the Windows Update process.

“This update includes files and resources that address issues that affect the update processes in Windows 10 that may prevent important Windows updates from being installed,” explains the KB4023057 support bulletin.

“These improvements help make sure that updates are installed seamlessly on your device, and they help improve the reliability and security of devices that are running Windows 10.”

As part of the installation, the update may free up disk space by compressing files in the User Profile directory so Windows 10 can properly install future updates.

When files are compressed, they will be displayed with two blue arrows overlaid on the file’s icon, as shown below.

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Compressed files in Windows 10
Compressed files in Windows 10

After the update has finished installing, the files will be uncompressed, and the arrows will disappear.

Microsoft states the KB4023057 update may perform the following when installed:

  • This update may request your device to stay awake longer to enable the installation of updates.Note The installation will respect any user-configured sleep configurations and also your “active hours” when you use your device the most.
  • This update may try to reset network settings if problems are detected, and it will clean up registry keys that may be preventing updates from being installed successfully.
  • This update may repair disabled or corrupted Windows operating system components that determine the applicability of updates to your version of Windows 10.
  • This update may compress files in your user profile directory to help free up enough disk space to install important updates.
  • This update may reset the Windows Update database to repair the problems that could prevent updates from installing successfully. Therefore, you may see that your Windows Update history was cleared.

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This update will be automatically installed via Windows Update and is only available from the Microsoft Update Catalog for Windows 10, versions 1507, 1511, 1607, 1703, 1709, and 1803.



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