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Microsoft Pauses Windows Cumulative Update Previews For December

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Microsoft Pauses Windows Cumulative Update Previews For December
Microsoft Pauses Windows Cumulative Update Previews For December
Microsoft Pauses Windows Cumulative Update Previews For December
Microsoft Pauses Windows Cumulative Update Previews For December
Microsoft Pauses Windows Cumulative Update Previews For December

Microsoft Pauses Windows Cumulative Update Previews For December

Microsoft has announced that they will not be releasing cumulative updates previews in December 2020 due to limited staff and operations during the upcoming holidays.

When Microsoft releases new update Windows and Windows server updates, it uses a fixed schedule, or cadence, that allows businesses and consumers to prepare and test new releases as they come out.

Microsoft associates each week of a month with a letter ranging from ‘A’ to ‘D’; the ‘A’ week being the first week of the month and the ‘D’ week being the last.

Every month, Microsoft releases Windows updates as a ‘B’ release known as Patch Tuesday, which is classified as ‘Important’ and automatically installed by Windows.

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Microsoft also releases cumulative update previews on the ‘C’ and ‘D’ weeks that contain fixes being released in the next Patch Tuesday. These preview updates give the enterprise time to test new fixes in their environment before they become mandatory.

Optional Preview cumulative update
Optional Preview cumulative update

Windows preview updates on hold in December 2020

Over the weekend, Microsoft has updated the support bulletins for recently released cumulative updates with a message stating that they will not be releasing preview updates in December 2020 due to the holidays.

“IMPORTANT Because of minimal operations during the holidays and the upcoming Western new year, there won’t be any preview releases for the month of December 2020. Monthly servicing will resume with the January 2021 security releases,” Microsoft added to recent cumulative update bulletins.

The normal Patch Tuesday ‘B’ release will be scheduled as usual in December 2020 and January 2021, but Microsoft will not be offering a preview release of the January 2020 Patch Tuesday.

This change may be concerning for businesses as they will not test new fixes before they come out in January 2021. However, due to the holiday, Microsoft will likely focus on security vulnerability updates and only fixes for critical bugs in December.

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Standard Windows servicing will resume in January 2021.

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