This week illustrated how pervasive ransomware has become with news of two large and well-known companies getting hit with ransomware attacks, with more surely to come.
Over the weekend, BleepingComputer found a WastedLocker decryptor used by Garmin to decrypt their files, meaning that they paid the ransom to get the decryption key.
Later in the week, we discovered that Canon USA was attacked by the operators of the Maze ransomware, leading to another corporate service disruption.
Security budgets are always stretched thin until an attack occurs. Unfortunately, by then it is too late.
As ransomware groups consolidate into highly skilled operations, enterprises need to increase monitoring, lock down their perimeter, and make sure all gateway devices and RDP servers properly protected.
Contributors and those who provided new ransomware information and stories this week include: @jorntvdw, @LawrenceAbrams, @Seifreed, @serghei, @struppigel, @malwrhunterteam, @FourOctets, @fwosar, @Ionut_Ilascu, @malwareforme, @PolarToffee, @VK_Intel, @BleepinComputer, @demonslay335, @DanielGallagher, @coveware, @AJMartinSky, @McAfee, @John_Fokker, @fr0gger_, @emsisoft, @markloman, @SophosLabs, @AltShiftPrtScn, @john_shier, @threatresearch, @chetwisniewski, @xiaopao80087499, @thyrex2002, @iamwinstonm, @MarceloRivero, and @Jirehlov.
Confirmed: Garmin received decryptor for WastedLocker ransomware
BleepingComputer can confirm that Garmin has received the decryption key to recover their files encrypted in the WastedLocker Ransomware attack.
New Nile STOP Ransomware variant
Michael Gillespie found a new STOP ransomware variant that appends the .nile extension to encrypted files.
New ZaCaPa STOP Ransomware variant
Michael Gillespie found a new Xorist ransomware variant that appends the .ZaCaPa extension to encrypted files.
New WannaCash 2.0 Ransomware variant
Alex Svirid found a new variant of the WannaCash Ransomware that changes an encrypted file’s name to [number] ???? ??????????. ????. [ ????? [email protected] ] .WANNACASH.
New Nefilim ransomware variant
d2hvYW1p found a new Nefilim Ransomware variant that appends the .NEF1LIM extension to encrypted files.
Ransom Demands Rise With Market Share Split Between Big Game Hunters and Amateur RaaS Affiliates
The Coveware Quarterly Ransomware Report describes ransomware incident response trends during Q2 of 2020. Ransomware attacks against enterprises forked in Q2 between big game attacks and an increase in new RaaS variants targeting small businesses. Victim demographics and resolution metrics are aggregated to present ransomware incident response statistics driven by actual case events.
New FlyStudio ransomware variant
Jirehlov found #Ransomware #Flystudio #China… .itunes itunes-DECRYPT—-1596322702829.txt sample note:
Netwalker ransomware earned $25 million in just five months
The Netwalker ransomware operation has generated a total of $25 million in ransom payments since March 1st according to a new report by McAfee.
Garmin ‘paid multi-million dollar ransom to criminals using Arete IR’, say sources
Smartwatch maker Garmin paid a multi-million dollar ransom to criminals who encrypted its computer files through a ransomware negotiation business called Arete IR, sources have told Sky News.
New Homer Dharma Ransomware variant
Marcelo Rivero found a new Dharma ransomware variant that appends the .homer extension and drops ransom notes named FILES ENCRYPTED.txt and Info.hta.
Also read: Privacy policy template important tips for your business
WastedLocker ransomware abuses Windows feature to evade detection
The WastedLocker ransomware is abusing a Windows memory management feature to evade detection by security software.
Interpol: Lockbit ransomware attacks affecting American SMBs
American medium-sized companies are actively targeted by LockBit ransomware operators according to an Interpol report on the impact the COVID-19 pandemic had on cybercrime around the world.
The realities of ransomware: A victim’s-eye view of an attack
The Managed Threat Response manager offers a unique perspective on the realities of being the target of ransomware
The realities of ransomware: Extortion goes social in 2020
Sophos’ senior security advisor on the growing threat of ransomware that threatens to publish companies’ private data
The realities of ransomware: Five signs you’re about to be attack
A manager on the Managed Threat Response team explains what to expect when you’re expecting a ransomware attack
The realities of ransomware: The evasion arms race
Behavioral shifts changed the ransomware landscape as criminals challenge defenses
The realities of ransomware: Why it’s not just a passing fad
Here we are seven years later scratching our heads, still thinking about what to do to defend ourselves against ransomware. You would think in seven years we ought to have gotten better at deterring attackers from this type online crime.But, like almost everything in information security, ransomware is a complicated, and an attack that has only grown more complex, particularly in the last 10 months.
New WEEK Dharma ransomware variant
Xiaopao found a new Dharma ransomware variant that appends the .WEEK extension to encrypted files.
Xiaopao found a sample of the PhantomChina ransomware that appends the .phantom extension and drops a ransom note named !How_To_Decrypt_My_File_????????.hta.
Canon confirms ransomware attack in internal memo
Canon has suffered a ransomware attack that impacts numerous services, including Canon’s email, Microsoft Teams, USA website, and other internal applications. In an internal alert sent to employees, Canon has disclosed the ransomware attack and working to address the issue.
New Zes Xorist Ransomware variant
Michael Gillespie found a new Xorist ransomware variant that appends the .zes extension to encrypted files.
Emsisoft has released a decryptor for the CheckMail7 Ransomware.
That’s it for this week! Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
Also read: 4 easy guides to data breach assessment