The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) is warning of the dangers stemming from the use of broadly-scoped certificates to authenticate multiple servers in an organization.
In a document released last week, the agency provides mitigations against the risks that come with the use of wildcard certificates. These include a recently disclosed ALPACA technique that could be used for various traffic redirect attacks.
The agency is referring to the dangers posed by wildcard or multi-domain digital certificates that validate server identity to allow a trusted, secure connection via the Transport Layer Security (TLS) cryptographic protocol.
In a presentation two months ago, researchers showed that TLS servers running different protocols but with compatible certificates (e.g. wildcard, multi-domain) could be exploited via an application layer protocol content confusion attack.
They named the technique ALPACA, short for Application Layer Protocols Allowing Cross-Protocol Attack, noting that a malicious actor meeting certain conditions could at least steal cookies or perform cross-site scripting attacks.
A wildcard digital certificate can be used with multiple subdomains on the same domain, so it can cover multiple servers (e.g. email, FTP, apps), while a multi-domain certificate is used for multiple domains on a single IP address.
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The NSA says [PDF] that “ALPACA is a complex class of exploitation techniques that can take many forms,” and that a realistic scenario for such an attack would require the following:
A threat actor meeting these “relatively uncommon conditions” would be able to run at least phishing, watering hole, malvertising, or man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks.
Using the ALPACA technique, an adversary could cause the victim’s web browser to trust and execute responses reflected from a malicious service that are signed with the correct certificate.
This opens the door to stealing session cookies, private user data, and executing arbitrary code in the context of a vulnerable server.
The NSA also reminds organizations of the role wildcard certificates play in a trust architecture since they “can be used to represent any system within its scope.”
For this reason, they should ensure the protection of the private key of a wildcard certificate and keep it on a well-maintained server to avoid the risk of an attacker getting it by compromising a poorly-secured machine.
The NSA recommends organizations make sure that wildcard certificates are used responsibly and their scope within the organization is well understood.
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Companies should identify where the private keys for these certificates are stored and use the security level required by all apps in the certificates’ scope.
Using an application gateway or a Web Application Firewall (WAF) in front of servers, non-HTTP ones included, is another recommendation from the agency.
Encrypted DNS and validating DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) to prevent DNS redirection that could land target users in a malicious location.
The NSA also recommends enabling the Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) if this is possible, and keeping browsers updated to their latest version.