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Hacker Is Selling 34 Million User Records Stolen From 17 Companies

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Hacker Is Selling 34 Million User Records Stolen From 17 Companies
Hacker Is Selling 34 Million User Records Stolen From 17 Companies
Hacker Is Selling 34 Million User Records Stolen From 17 Companies
Hacker Is Selling 34 Million User Records Stolen From 17 Companies
Hacker Is Selling 34 Million User Records Stolen From 17 Companies

Hacker Is Selling 34 Million User Records Stolen From 17 Companies

A threat actor is selling account databases containing an aggregate total of 34 million user records that they claim were stolen from seventeen companies during data breaches.

On October 28th, a data breach broker created a new topic on a hacker forum to sell the stolen user databases for seventeen companies.

List of 17 databases for sale
List of 17 databases for sale

In a conversation with BleepingComputer, the seller told us that they were not responsible for hacking into the seventeen companies and is acting as a broker for the databases.

When asked how the hacker gained access to the various sites, the seller stated, “Not sure if he want to disclose.”

Stolen databases are typically sold first in private sales, like those listed above, with previous ranging from $500, as seen in the Zoosk data breach, to $100,000 for the Wattpad database.

After some time, it is common for the stolen databases to be released for free on hacker forums to increase a threat actor’s ‘street cred.’

Companies allegedly breached in 2020

According to the data breach broke, all of the seventeen databases being sold were obtained in 2020, with the largest breach being with 8.1 million records. The most well-known affected company is Singapore’s RedMart that exposed 1.1 million rec.

The seller told BleepingComputer that they are selling the RedMart database for $1,500.

None of these companies have previously reported recent data breaches prior to this week.

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After BleepingComputer contacted all affected companies, only RedMart disclosed a data breach yesterday, and told BleepingComputer that they are investigating the incident.

“Thanks for your inquiry, we were aware of this incident last night (Bangkok time) and our tech team have been investigating this matter,” Wongnai emailed

The seventeen databases being sold are shown below:

CompanyUser RecordsDisclosed? millionNo 4.7 millionNo
Wongnai.com4.3 millionYes via email
Cermati.com2.9 millionNo
Everything5pounds.com2.9 millionNo
Eatigo.com2.8 millionNo
Katapult.com2.2 millionNo
Wedmegood.com1.3 millionNo
RedMart1.1 millionYes
Coupontools.com1 millionNo
W3layouts.com789 thousandNo
Game24h.vn779 thousandNo
Invideo.io571 thousandNo
Apps-builder.com386 thousandNo
Fantasycruncher.com227 thousandNo thousandNo
Toddycafe.com129 thousandNo

According to the seller, the following information is exposed per breach:

  • emails, SHA1 hashed passwords, mailing and billing addresses, full name, phone numbers, partial credit cards numbers and exp dates
  • emails, hashed passwords, name, gender, phone number
  • emails, bcrypt-sha256/sha512 hashed passwords, usernames, names, DoB, gender, mobile phone number, Brazilian CPF numbers
  • – emails, password bcrypt, name, address, phone, revenue, bank, tax number, id number, gender, job, company, mothers maiden name
  • email, phone
  • email, password pbkdf2-sha256/unknown, name
  • email, password md5, name, phone, gender, facebook id & token
  • email, password md5, ip, facebook & twitter id, names, birthdate, phone, zip
  • email, password unknown, name, phone, address
  • email, password md5, username, birthdate, name
  • email, password sha512, phone, facebook id
  • – email, password bcrypt, ip, country, city, state, phone, name
  • email, password md5crypt, ip, name, country
  • email, password bcrypt, name, phone
  • email, password bcrypt, name, phone, gender, birthdate
  • email, password md5, name, cpf, birthdate
  • email, password bcrypt/sha1, username, ip

From the samples of each database seen by BleepingComputer, we have confirmed that exposed email addresses correspond to accounts for thirteen of the allegedly seventeen breached services. We could not verify accounts for, Katapult, CouponTools, or

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Redacted sample of database
Redacted sample of database

The combined databases expose over 34 million user records. While a password is not included in every record, for example,, there is still useful information disclosed in each database that threat actors can use.

Do you have an account at these sites?

BleepingComputer has contacted each of the companies being sold online and has only heard from Wongnai at this time. 

Unfortunately, this lack of response is common when reporting data breaches, and a few weeks later, if not months later, the companies will eventually disclose the breach.

To be safe, if you are a user of one of these sites, you should assume that they have been breached and immediately change your password.

If you use the same password at other sites, you should also change the password at those sites to a unique and strong one that you only use for that site.

Using unique passwords at every site you have an account prevents a data breach at one site from affecting you at other websites you use.

It is suggested that you use a password manager to help you keep track of unique and robust passwords at every site.

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