New research finds that despite being more engaged with cybersecurity, business executives and board members continue to view cybersecurity as a technology domain rather than a business concern.
Somewhere around 2015, the security industry adopted a new mantra, “cybersecurity is a boardroom issue.” This statement was supported by lots of independent research, business press articles, webinars, local events, and even sessions at RSA and Black Hat crowing about the burgeoning relationship between CISOs, business executives, and corporate boards.
Has anything really changed since then?
To find out, ESG surveyed 365 senior business, cybersecurity, and IT professionals at organizations in North America (US and Canada) and Western Europe (UK, France, and Germany) working at midmarket (i.e., 100 to 999 employees) and enterprise-class (i.e., more than 1,000 employees) organizations.
As it turns out, there’s good news and bad news here. The good news is that cybersecurity is indeed a boardroom level issue. The bad news is that we are nowhere near where we should be. For example:
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This and other data from the report indicates a cybersecurity dichotomy:
Yes, boards and executives are more engaged with cybersecurity, but they retain an “us and them” mentality. Business executives and boards drive business decisions; CISOs are tasked with bolting on technical security controls and cleaning up messes as they occur.
We weren’t wrong in 2015 when we declared that cybersecurity was a boardroom issue: Based on the ESG research, it appears that after years of neglect, boards and executives finally started paying attention to cybersecurity around 5 years ago. Since then, the cybersecurity industry has been busy patting itself on the back for any incremental progress.
If your doctor warned you that you needed to lose 50 pounds, you wouldn’t declare victory when you dropped 5 lbs. after a month. Unfortunately, that’s what’s happening with cybersecurity in the boardroom and C-suite. At most organizations, there’s a lot of hard work ahead.
Now, before I come off as Chicken Little, the data also indicates that there are organizations going beyond the basics. These firms have made significant progress with cybersecurity as an essential component of business mission, culture, and strategy. Furthermore, some organizations have reaped benefits like stronger security efficacy/efficiency, greater ROI on cybersecurity investments, and improved business flexibility. What’s their secret? More on that soon.