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OVH Data Center Burns Down Knocking Major Sites Offline
OVH Data Center Burns Down Knocking Major Sites Offline
OVH Data Center Burns Down Knocking Major Sites Offline
OVH Data Center Burns Down Knocking Major Sites Offline

OVH Data Center Burns Down Knocking Major Sites Offline

OVH Data Center Burns Down Knocking Major Sites Offline In a major unprecedented incident, data centers of OVH located in Strasbourg, France have been destroyed by fire. OVH is the largest hosting provider in Europe and the third-largest in the world. The cloud computing company provides VPS, dedicated servers, and other web services. Customers are being advised by the

XBOX Live Outage Prevents Players From Logging In

XBOX Live Outage Prevents Players From Logging In Xbox Live outage is suffering a worldwide outage that prevents users from logging into the service and accessing games. The outage started at approximately 3 PM EST and affects both Xbox Live and apps that rely on it, such as Windows 10’s Xbox Game Bar and Xbox

TD Bank Suffered Systemwide Banking Outage, Services Now Recovered

TD Bank Suffered Systemwide Banking Outage, Services Now Recovered Update: TD Bank’s statement regarding the outage added to bottom of the article. TD Bank has recovered from a major IT systems outage today that prevented account holders from accessing their online bank accounts, use ATM, or check balances over the phone.  The outage started at

NASA And The FAA Were Also Breached By The SolarWinds Hackers

NASA And The FAA Were Also Breached By The SolarWinds Hackers NASA and the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have also been compromised by the nation-state hackers behind the SolarWinds supply-chain attack, according to a& Washington Post report. The two attacks are part of a broader espionage effort targeting and compromising multiple US government agencies over

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