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Category: Resources

The Difference Between GDPR And PDPA Under 10 Key Issues
The Difference Between GDPR And PDPA Under 10 Key Issues
The Difference Between GDPR And PDPA Under 10 Key Issues
The Difference Between GDPR And PDPA Under 10 Key Issues

The Difference Between GDPR And PDPA Under 10 Key Issues

The Difference Between GDPR And PDPA Under 10 Key Issues With cross-border collaborations becoming much easier thanks to the convenience of modern digital pathways, all kinds of data are also being exchanged or moved across various locations. Personal data, the new currency, is one of them. Thus, it is only fitting that governments establish a

PDPA Compliance Singapore: 10 Areas To Work On

PDPA Compliance Singapore: 10 Areas To Work On An individual’s personal data is precious currency in the digital age. Organisations that understand this leverage on the increasing amounts of data they collected in fueling their businesses. However, consumers are also becoming more aware of how important their data is and what it means when they

What Does A Data Protection Officer Do? 5 Main Things

What Does A Data Protection Officer Do? 5 Main Things Under the PDPA, organisations in Singapore are required to appoint at least one person as the data protection officer (DPO). But what does a data protection officer do exactly? Before we get there, let us first have a quick refresher on the significance of having

The DNC Registry Singapore: 5 Things You Must Know

The DNC Registry Singapore: 5 Things You Must Know The Do Not Call Registry (DNC Registry Singapore) benefits consumers who wish to stop receiving telemarketing messages through phone calls, SMS, or fax. This provision covers your home, office, and mobile numbers. The good news? Registration is free and has no expiration date. It should be

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