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Category: Privacy

Apple Rejected Over 215,000 Apps In 2020 For Privacy Violations
Apple Rejected Over 215,000 Apps In 2020 For Privacy Violations
Apple Rejected Over 215,000 Apps In 2020 For Privacy Violations
Apple Rejected Over 215,000 Apps In 2020 For Privacy Violations

Apple Rejected Over 215,000 Apps In 2020 For Privacy Violations

Apple Rejected Over 215,000 Apps In 2020 For Privacy Violations Apple says that more than 215,000 iOS apps were blocked by its App Store’s App Review team for privacy violations in 2020, while another 150,00 were rejected because they were spamming or misleading iOS users. The company also blocked 48,000 applications from being published on

WhatsApp To Restrict Features If You Refuse Facebook Data Sharing

WhatsApp To Restrict Features If You Refuse Facebook Data Sharing WhatsApp says that it will not delete or deactivate the accounts of users who oppose its latest privacy policy update that requires sharing data with Facebook companies. The company backtracks on a previous decision that gave its users a harsh ultimatum to accept sharing their data with Facebook

Mozilla Flooded With Requests After Apple Privacy Changes Hit Facebook

Mozilla Flooded With Requests After Apple Privacy Changes Hit Facebook Mozilla volunteers have recently been flooded with online merchants and marketers’ requests for their domains to be added to what’s called a Public Suffix List (PSL). Public Suffix List (PSL) is an initiative of the Mozilla community volunteers to maintain a list of top-level domains (TLDs)

Most Loved Programming Language Rust Sparks Privacy Concerns

Most Loved Programming Language Rust Sparks Privacy Concerns Rust developers have repeatedly raised concerned about an unaddressed privacy issue over the last few years. Rust has rapidly gained momentum among developers, for its focus on performance, safety, safe concurrency, and for having a similar syntax to C++. StackOverflow’s 2020 developer survey ranked Rust first among the “most loved programming languages.” However, for the longest time

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