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Category: Privacy

Nine Arrested For Impersonating Bank Clerks To Steal From The Elderly
Nine Arrested For Impersonating Bank Clerks To Steal From The Elderly
Nine Arrested For Impersonating Bank Clerks To Steal From The Elderly
Nine Arrested For Impersonating Bank Clerks To Steal From The Elderly

Nine Arrested For Impersonating Bank Clerks To Steal From The Elderly

Nine Arrested For Impersonating Bank Clerks To Steal From The Elderly The Dutch Police have arrested nine people for targeting and stealing money from the elderly by impersonating bank employees. The group of bank help desk fraudsters, five men and four women between the ages of 20 and 27, were arrested between September 14 and

Google’s TensorFlow Drops YAML Support Due to Code Execution Flaw

Google’s TensorFlow Drops YAML Support Due to Code Execution Flaw TensorFlow, a popular Python-based machine learning and artificial intelligence project developed by Google has dropped support for YAML, to patch a critical code execution vulnerability. YAML or Yet Another Markup Language is a convenient choice among developers looking for a human-readable data serialization language for handling configuration files and data

WhatsApp to Appeal $266 Million Fine for Violating EU Privacy Laws

WhatsApp to Appeal $266 Million Fine for Violating EU Privacy Laws Ireland’s Data Privacy Commissioner (DPC) has hit Facebook-owned messaging platform WhatsApp with a €225 million ($266 million) administrative fine for violating the EU’s GDPR privacy regulation after failing to inform users and non-users on what it does with their data. EU data regulators can

FTC Bans Stalkerware Maker Spyfone from Surveillance Business

FTC Bans Stalkerware Maker Spyfone from Surveillance Business FTC has banned stalkerware maker Spyfone and CEO Scott Zuckerman from the surveillance business after failing to protect customers’ devices from hackers and sharing info on their location and activity. Stalkerware tech allows third parties to monitor your mobile device without your knowledge and collect sensitive info related

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