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Category: Privacy

Firefox 90 adds enhanced tracker blocking to private browsing
Firefox 90 adds enhanced tracker blocking to private browsing
Firefox 90 adds enhanced tracker blocking to private browsing
Firefox 90 adds enhanced tracker blocking to private browsing

Firefox 90 adds enhanced tracker blocking to private browsing

Firefox 90 adds enhanced tracker blocking to private browsing Mozilla has introduced SmartBlock 2.0, the next version of its intelligent cross-site tracking blocking tech, with the release of Firefox 90. The SmartBlock mechanism, introduced with Firefox 87 in March, works to ensure that the Tracking Protection feature and Strict Mode will not break websites when blocking tracking scripts. “SmartBlock

Being The Best-selling Smartphone In This Year

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5 Critical Steps To Recover From A Ransomware Attack

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Minim veniam, quis nostrud ullamco laboris nis.

Brave Launches its Privacy-focused No-tracking Search Engine

Brave Launches its Privacy-focused No-tracking Search Engine Today, Brave launched their non-tracking privacy-centric search engine to bring another alternative to finding the information you want on the web without giving up your data. Brave Search is being launched first in Beta so that users can test the new search engine while Brave continues to refine its

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