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Category: Microsoft

Fake Microsoft Store, Spotify Sites Spread Info-Stealing Malware
Fake Microsoft Store, Spotify Sites Spread Info-Stealing Malware
Fake Microsoft Store, Spotify Sites Spread Info-Stealing Malware
Fake Microsoft Store, Spotify Sites Spread Info-Stealing Malware

Fake Microsoft Store, Spotify Sites Spread Info-Stealing Malware

Fake Microsoft Store, Spotify Sites Spread Info-Stealing Malware Attackers are promoting sites impersonating the Microsoft Store, Spotify, and an online document converter that distribute malware to steal credit cards and passwords saved in web browsers. The attack was discovered by cybersecurity firm ESET who issued a warning yesterday on Twitter to be on the lookout for the malicious campaign. In

Microsoft’s Windows 10 Taskbar News Feed Ported To Older Versions

Microsoft’s Windows 10 Taskbar News Feed Ported To Older Versions Microsoft is backporting their upcoming Windows 10 News and Interests taskbar feature to Windows 10 20H2 and Windows 10 21H1, allowing far more people to access the new feature. In January, Microsoft began testing a new taskbar news feed feature called ‘News and Interests’ that builds an

Microsoft Disables Google’s FLoC Tracking In Microsoft Edge, For Now

Microsoft Disables Google’s FLoC Tracking In Microsoft Edge, For Now Microsoft has disabled Google’s controversial FLoC browser-based tracking feature in their Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser. This month, Google began testing a new tracking platform called Federated Learning of Cohorts, or FLoC, that places users in anonymous buckets, or cohorts, based on their interest and browsing behavior. Unlike third-party

Microsoft Edge’s Update Server Is Down – Shows Error Code 7

Microsoft Edge’s Update Server Is Down – Shows Error Code 7 Microsoft Edge’s update server is suffering a worldwide outage preventing users from updating to the newly released version 90 of the web browser. Yesterday, Microsoft released Edge 90 with new features, such as a Kids Mode, the new download flyout, better font rendering, and improved

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