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Category: Google

Google: Chinese State Hackers Keep Targeting Russian Govt Agencies
Google: Chinese State Hackers Keep Targeting Russian Govt Agencies
Google: Chinese State Hackers Keep Targeting Russian Govt Agencies
Google: Chinese State Hackers Keep Targeting Russian Govt Agencies

Google: Chinese State Hackers Keep Targeting Russian Govt Agencies

Google: Chinese State Hackers Keep Targeting Russian Govt Agencies Google said today that a Chinese-sponsored hacking group linked to China’s People’s Liberation Army Strategic Support Force (PLA SSF) is targeting Russian government agencies. The company’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG), a team of security experts that acts as a defense force for Google users from state-sponsored

Google SMTP Relay Service Abused for Sending Phishing Emails

Google SMTP Relay Service Abused for Sending Phishing Emails Phishing actors abuse Google’s SMTP relay service to bypass email security products and successfully deliver malicious emails to targeted users. According to a report from email security firm Avanan, there has been a sudden uptick in threat actors abusing Google’s SMTP relay service starting in April

Google Fights Doxxing with Updated Personal Info Removal Policy

Google Fights Doxxing with Updated Personal Info Removal Policy Google has expanded its policies to allow doxxing victims to remove more of their personally identifiable information (PII) from search engine results starting earlier this week. Removing doxxing content (contact info shared online with malicious intent) aims to protect the victims’ privacy and substantial risks of

Google Gives 50% Bonus to Android 13 Beta Bug Bounty Hunters

Google Gives 50% Bonus to Android 13 Beta Bug Bounty Hunters Google has announced that all security researchers who report Android 13 Beta vulnerabilities through its Vulnerability Rewards Program (VRP) will get a 50% bonus on top of the standard reward until May 26th, 2022. Bug hunters can get a maximum payout of $1.5 million

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