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FTC: Americans Report Losing Over $5.8 billion to Fraud in 2021 The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) said today that Americans reported losses of more than $5.8 billion to fraud during last year, a massive total increase of over 70% compared to the losses reported in 2020. The FTC added a total of roughly 5.7
US says Russian State Hackers Breached Defense Contractors Russian-backed hackers have been targeting and compromising U.S. cleared defense contractors (CDCs) since at least January 2020 to gain access to and steal sensitive info that gives insight into U.S. defense and intelligence programs and capabilities. CDCs are private entities with clearance from the Department of Defense (DoD)
Red Cross: State Hackers Breached our Network Using Zoho Bug The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said today that the hack disclosed last month against its servers was a targeted attack likely coordinated by a state-backed hacking group. During the incident, the attackers gained access to the personal information (names, locations, and contact information)
Ukrainian Military Agencies, Banks Hit by DDoS Attacks, Defacements The Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of Ukraine and two of the country’s state-owned banks, Privatbank (Ukraine’s largest bank) and Oschadbank (the State Savings Bank), are being hammered by Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. Today, Ukraine’s Cyberpolice also reported that bank customers received text messages claiming that bank ATMs