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Category: Cybersecurity (General)

Over 400 GOV.UK Domains Found On Spam Blacklists
Over 400 GOV.UK Domains Found On Spam Blacklists
Over 400 GOV.UK Domains Found On Spam Blacklists
Over 400 GOV.UK Domains Found On Spam Blacklists

Over 400 GOV.UK Domains Found On Spam Blacklists

Over 400 GOV.UK Domains Found On Spam Blacklists Hundreds of domains managed by the U.K. government are on DNS-based blacklists creating email communication problems. Multiple government agencies, councils, and public welfare agencies rely on GOV.UK domain infrastructure to provide online services to Britain’s residents. Being on an automated IP blacklist usually signifies a problem with your mail infrastructure: most

American Payroll Association Discloses Credit Card Theft Incident

American Payroll Association Discloses Credit Card Theft Incident Image: Scott Graham The American Payroll Association (APA) disclosed a data breach affecting members and customers after attackers successfully planted a web skimmer on the organization’s website login and online store checkout pages. APA is a nonprofit professional association with more than 20,000 members and 121 APA-affiliated local chapters

Malware Authors Trick Apple Into Trusting Malicious Shlayer Apps

Malware Authors Trick Apple Into Trusting Malicious Shlayer Apps The authors of the Mac malware known as Shlayer have successfully managed to get their malicious payloads through Apple’s automated notarizing process. Since February 2020 all Mac software distributed outside of its Mac App Store must be notarized by Apple to be able to run on macOS Catalina

Hackers Are Backdooring QNAP NAS Devices With 3-year Old RCE Bug

Hackers Are Backdooring QNAP NAS Devices With 3-year Old RCE Bug Hackers are scanning for vulnerable network-attached storage (NAS) devices running multiple QNAP firmware versions, trying to exploit a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability addressed by QNAP in a previous release. According to a report published today by researchers at Qihoo 360’s Network Security Research Lab (360 Netlab), unknown

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