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Category: Cybersecurity (General)

Privacy-focused Search Engines & Browsers That Protect Your Data
Privacy-focused Search Engines & Browsers That Protect Your Data
Privacy-focused Search Engines & Browsers That Protect Your Data
Privacy-focused Search Engines & Browsers That Protect Your Data

Privacy-focused Search Engines & Browsers That Protect Your Data

Privacy-focused Search Engines & Browsers that Protect Your Data Popular search engines and browsers do a great job at finding and browsing content on the web, but can do a better job at protecting your privacy while doing so. With your data being the digital currency of our times, websites, advertisers, browsers, and search engines

Google App Engine Feature Abused to Create Unlimited Phishing Pages

Google App Engine Feature Abused to Create Unlimited Phishing Pages A newly discovered technique by a researcher shows how Google’s App Engine domains can be abused to deliver phishing and malware while remaining undetected by leading enterprise security products. Google App Engine is a cloud-based service platform for developing and hosting web apps on Google’s servers. While

Tutanota Encrypted Email Service Suffers DDoS Cyberattacks

Tutanota Encrypted Email Service Suffers DDoS Cyberattacks Encrypted email service, Tutanota has experienced a series of DDoS attacks this week, first targeting the Tutanota website and further its DNS providers. This had caused downtime for several hours for millions of Tutanota users. The outage was further exacerbated by the fact that different DNS servers continued to cache the incorrect entries for the

The Untold Story of the Man That Made Mainstream Encryption Possible

The Untold Story of the Man That Made Mainstream Encryption Possible Longtime tech journalist Steven Levy’s new book, Facebook: The Inside Story, details how Mark Zuckerberg transformed a tasteless dorm room social networking experiment into the world’s biggest social networking business. In honor of that release, we thought we’d share an excerpt of an earlier Levy book, Crypto, about

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