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Category: Cybersecurity (General)

Safari Bug Leaks Your Google Account Info, Browsing History
Safari Bug Leaks Your Google Account Info, Browsing History
Safari Bug Leaks Your Google Account Info, Browsing History
Safari Bug Leaks Your Google Account Info, Browsing History

Safari Bug Leaks Your Google Account Info, Browsing History

Safari Bug Leaks Your Google Account Info, Browsing History There’s a problem with the implementation of the IndexedDB API in Safari’s WebKit engine, which could result in leaking browsing activity in real-time and even user identities to anyone exploiting this flaw. IndexedDB is a widely used browser API that is a versatile client-side storage system with

eNom Data Center Migration Mistakenly Knocks Sites Offline

eNom Data Center Migration Mistakenly Knocks Sites Offline A data center migration from eNom web hosting provider caused unexpected domain resolution problems that are expected to last for a few hours. Customers started to complain that they could no longer access their websites and emails due to Domain Name System (DNS) issues. Also Read: The

Npm Dependency is Breaking Some React Apps Today — here’s the Fix

Npm Dependency is Breaking Some React Apps Today — here’s the Fix Tons of users are reporting their Facebook Create React App builds are failing since yesterday. The cause has been traced down to a dependency used by create-react-app, the latest version of which is breaking developers’ apps. While a stable solution is yet to be identified, here’s a simple

Russia Charges 8 Suspected REvil Ransomware Gang Members

Russia Charges 8 Suspected REvil Ransomware Gang Members Eight members of the REvil ransomware operation that have been detained by Russian officers are currently facing criminal charges for their illegal activity. On Friday, the Federal Security Service (FSB) of the Russian Federation – the country’s domestic intelligence service, announced raids at the homes of 14 individuals suspected

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