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Category: Cybersecurity (General)

Russian Hackers Hide Zebrocy Malware In Virtual Disk Images
Russian Hackers Hide Zebrocy Malware In Virtual Disk Images
Russian Hackers Hide Zebrocy Malware In Virtual Disk Images
Russian Hackers Hide Zebrocy Malware In Virtual Disk Images

Russian Hackers Hide Zebrocy Malware In Virtual Disk Images

Russian Hackers Hide Zebrocy Malware In Virtual Disk Images Russian-speaking hackers behind Zebrocy malware have changed their technique for delivering malware to high-profile victims and started to pack the threats in Virtual Hard Drives (VHD) to avoid detection. The technique was spotted in recent spear-phishing campaigns from threat group APT28 (Fancy Bear, Sofacy, Strontium, Sednit)

Ransomware Forces Hosting Provider Netgain To Take Down Data Centers

Ransomware Forces Hosting Provider Netgain To Take Down Data Centers Cloud hosting and IT services provider Netgain was forced to take some of their data centers offline after suffering a ransomware attack in late November. Netgain offers hosting and cloud IT solutions, including managed IT services and desktop-as-a-service environments, to companies in the healthcare and accounting industry.

FireEye Reveals That It Was Hacked By A Nation State APT Group

FireEye Reveals That It Was Hacked By A Nation State APT Group Leading cybersecurity company FireEye disclosed today that it was hacked by a threat actor showing all the signs of a state-sponsored hacking group. The attackers were able to steal Red Team assessment tools FireEye uses to test customers’ security and designed to mimic

Norway: Russian APT28 State Hackers Likely Behind Parliament Attack

Norway: Russian APT28 State Hackers Likely Behind Parliament Attack Russian-backed hacking group APT28 has likely brute-forced multiple Norwegian Parliament (Stortinget) email accounts on August 24, 2020, according to the Norwegian Police Security Service (PST, short for Politiets Sikkerhetstjeneste). Attackers gained access to a limited number of Stortinget email accounts of representatives and employees as disclosed by Stortinget director Marianne

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