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Category: Cybersecurity (General)

Linux System Service Bug Gives You Root on Every Major Distro
Linux System Service Bug Gives You Root on Every Major Distro
Linux System Service Bug Gives You Root on Every Major Distro
Linux System Service Bug Gives You Root on Every Major Distro

Linux System Service Bug Gives You Root on Every Major Distro

Linux System Service Bug Gives You Root on Every Major Distro A vulnerability in Polkit’s pkexec component that is present in the default configuration of all major Linux distributions can be exploited to gain full root privileges on the system, researchers warn today. Identified as CVE-2021-4034 and named PwnKit, the security issue has been tracked

TrickBot Now Crashes Researchers’ Browsers to Block Malware Analysis

TrickBot Now Crashes Researchers’ Browsers to Block Malware Analysis The notorious TrickBot malware has received new features that make it more challenging to research, analyze, and detect in the latest variants, including crashing browser tabs when it detects beautified scripts. TrickBot has dominated the malware threat landscape since 2016, constantly adding optimizations and improvements while

UK Govt Releasing Nmap Scripts to Find Unpatched Vulnerabilities

UK Govt Releasing Nmap Scripts to Find Unpatched Vulnerabilities The United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the government agency that leads UK’s cyber security mission, is releasing NMAP Scripting Engine scripts to help defenders scan for and remediate vulnerable systems on their networks. This is a joint effort between the NCSC and i100 (Industry 100), an

New DazzleSpy Malware Targets MacOS users in Watering Hole Attack

New DazzleSpy Malware Targets MacOS users in Watering Hole Attack A new watering hole attack has been discovered targeting macOS users and visitors of a pro-democracy radio station website in Hong Kong and infecting them with the DazzleSpy malware. As detailed by researchers at ESET who have been investigating the campaign, it’s part of the

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