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Category: Cybersecurity (General)

Malicious PyPI Packages with Over 10,000 Downloads Taken Down
Malicious PyPI Packages with Over 10,000 Downloads Taken Down
Malicious PyPI Packages with Over 10,000 Downloads Taken Down
Malicious PyPI Packages with Over 10,000 Downloads Taken Down

Malicious PyPI Packages with Over 10,000 Downloads Taken Down

Malicious PyPI Packages with Over 10,000 Downloads Taken Down The Python Package Index (PyPI) registry has removed three malicious Python packages aimed at exfiltrating environment variables and dropping trojans on the infected machines. These malicious packages are estimated to have generated over 10,000 downloads and mirrors put together, according to the researchers’ report. Large scale static analysis led to a malicious discovery This

Hackers Start Pushing Malware in Worldwide Log4Shell Attacks

Hackers Start Pushing Malware in Worldwide Log4Shell Attacks Threat actors and researchers are scanning for and exploiting the Log4j Log4Shell vulnerability to deploy malware or find vulnerable servers. In this article we have compiled the known payloads, scans, and attacks using the Log4j vulnerability. Early Friday morning, an exploit was publicly released for a critical

Amazon Explains the Cause Behind Tuesday’s Massive AWS Outage

Amazon Explains the Cause Behind Tuesday’s Massive AWS Outage Amazon has published a post-event summary to shed some light on the root cause behind this week’s massive AWS outage that took down a long list of high-profile sites and online services, including Ring, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Roku. The outage started at roughly 10:30 AM

Researchers Release ‘vaccine’ for Critical Log4Shell Vulnerability

Researchers Release ‘vaccine’ for Critical Log4Shell Vulnerability Researchers from cybersecurity firm Cybereason has released a “vaccine” that can be used to remotely mitigate the critical ‘Log4Shell’ Apache Log4j code execution vulnerability running rampant through the Internet. Apache Log4j is a Java-based logging platform that can be used to analyze web server access logs or application

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