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Category: Cybersecurity (General)

Researchers Use ‘Fingerprints’ To Track Windows Exploit Developers
Researchers Use ‘Fingerprints’ To Track Windows Exploit Developers
Researchers Use ‘Fingerprints’ To Track Windows Exploit Developers
Researchers Use ‘Fingerprints’ To Track Windows Exploit Developers

Researchers Use ‘Fingerprints’ To Track Windows Exploit Developers

Researchers Use ‘Fingerprints’ To Track Windows Exploit Developers Researchers can now find the developer of a specific Windows exploit using a new “fingerprinting” technique specifically devised to keep track of exploit developers’ activity. More to the point, Check Point security researchers Itay Cohen and Eyal Itkin were able to track 16 Windows Kernel Local Privilege

XDSpy Cyber-Espionage Group Operated Discretely For Nine Years

XDSpy Cyber-Espionage Group Operated Discretely For Nine Years Researchers at ESET today published details about a threat actor that has been operating for at least nine years, yet their activity attracted almost no public attention. Going largely unnoticed for this long is a rare occurrence these days as malicious campaigns from long-standing adversaries overlap at

New Service Checks If Your Email Was Used In Emotet Attacks

New Service Checks If Your Email Was Used In Emotet Attacks A new service has been launched that allows you to check if an email domain or address was in an Emotet spam campaign. Emotet is a malware infection that spreads through spam emails containing malicious Word or Excel documents. When opened and macros are

Hackers Leak Files Stolen In Pakistan’s K-Electric Ransomware Attack

Hackers Leak Files Stolen In Pakistan’s K-Electric Ransomware Attack The Netwalker ransomware operators have published the stolen data for K-Electric, Pakistan’s largest private power company, after a ransom was not paid. On September 7th, 2020, K-Electric suffered a Netwalker ransomware attack that disrupted online billing services, but not the supply of power. Soon after, BleepingComputer obtained

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