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Category: Cybersecurity (General)

Threat Actors Offer Millions for Zero-days, Developers Talk of Exploit-as-a-Service
Threat Actors Offer Millions for Zero-days, Developers Talk of Exploit-as-a-Service
Threat Actors Offer Millions for Zero-days, Developers Talk of Exploit-as-a-Service
Threat Actors Offer Millions for Zero-days, Developers Talk of Exploit-as-a-Service

Threat Actors Offer Millions for Zero-days, Developers Talk of Exploit-as-a-Service

Threat Actors Offer Millions for Zero-days, Developers Talk of Exploit-as-a-Service While mostly hidden in private conversations, details sometimes emerge about the parallel economy of vulnerability exploits on underground forums, revealing just how fat of a wallet some threat actors have. Some adversaries claim multi-million U.S. dollar budgets for acquiring zero-day exploits but those that don’t

Here are the New Emotet Spam Campaigns Hitting Mailboxes Worldwide

Here are the New Emotet Spam Campaigns Hitting Mailboxes Worldwide The Emotet malware kicked into action yesterday after a ten-month hiatus with multiple spam campaigns delivering malicious documents to mailboxes worldwide. Emotet is a malware infection that is distributed through spam campaigns with malicious attachments. If a user opens the attachment, malicious macros or JavaScript

WordPress Sites are Being Hacked in Fake Ransomware Attacks

WordPress Sites are Being Hacked in Fake Ransomware Attacks A new wave of attacks starting late last week has hacked close to 300 WordPress sites to display fake encryption notices, trying to trick the site owners into paying 0.1 bitcoin for restoration. These ransom demands come with a countdown timer to induce a sense of

NPM Fixes Private Package Names Leak, Serious Authorization Bug

NPM Fixes Private Package Names Leak, Serious Authorization Bug The largest software registry of Node.js packages, npm, has disclosed multiple security flaws that were identified and remedied recently. The first flaw concerns leak of names of private npm packages on the’s ‘replica’ server—feeds from which are consumed by third-party services. Whereas, the second flaw allows attackers to publish

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