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Windows 11 22H2 is Released, Here are the New Features
Windows 11 22H2 is Released, Here are the New Features
Windows 11 22H2 is Released, Here are the New Features
Windows 11 22H2 is Released, Here are the New Features

Windows 11 22H2 is Released, Here are the New Features

Windows 11 22H2 is Released, Here are the New Features Microsoft has released the next version of Windows 11 called “22H2,” otherwise known as the Windows 11 2022 Update, and it is available as an optional update for users running at least Windows 10 2004 or an older version of Windows 11. Windows 11 22H2 is the

Microsoft Defender for Endpoint will turn on Tamper Protection by Default

Microsoft Defender for Endpoint will turn on Tamper Protection by Default Microsoft says tamper protection will soon be turned on by default for all enterprise customers in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE) for better defense against ransomware attacks. The company added this feature to its enterprise endpoint security platform in March 2019 to block changes to key

Why protecting customer information matters: The case of MyRepublic

Protecting customer information matters as failure to do so would mean a financial penalty imposed by the PDPC, ranging up to S$1,000,000, and the loss of trust from customers and potential future clients.

Compromise Assessment: 5 Things your organisation should know

“Are we breached?” This is the question that is answered by a Compromise Assessment (CA). However, unlike other assessment tools, CA offers a more in-depth assessment of the organisation’s cybersecurity posture.

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