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Windows 11 Settings Now Lets you Manage Xbox Subscriptions
Windows 11 Settings Now Lets you Manage Xbox Subscriptions
Windows 11 Settings Now Lets you Manage Xbox Subscriptions
Windows 11 Settings Now Lets you Manage Xbox Subscriptions

Windows 11 Settings Now Lets you Manage Xbox Subscriptions

Windows 11 Settings Now Lets you Manage Xbox Subscriptions Microsoft says the latest Windows 11 preview build has improved the Accounts Settings page to provide Xbox subscription management capabilities. The new ‘Your Microsoft account’ settings page within Windows 11’s Settings was rolled out by the Windows Insider team starting in October 2021. The end goal behind

Microsoft will Disable Exchange Online Basic Auth Next Month

Microsoft will Disable Exchange Online Basic Auth Next Month Microsoft warned customers today that it will finally disable basic authentication in random tenants worldwide to improve Exchange Online security starting October 1, 2022. Today’s announcement follows multiple reminders and warnings the company has issued over the last three years, the first published in September 2019. The company

Google Chrome Bug Lets Sites Write to Clipboard without Asking

Google Chrome Bug Lets Sites Write to Clipboard without Asking Chrome version 104 accidentally introduced a bug that removes the user requirement to approve clipboard writing events from websites they visit. This functionality isn’t limited to Google Chrome. Safari and Firefox also allow web pages to write to the system clipboard, yet they have gesture-based

How GDPR Singapore impacts businesses and its compliance

How GDPR Singapore impact businesses and its compliance On May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR Singapore) went into effect. The GDPR Singapore will apply to any organisation established outside of the EU that offers goods or services to EU citizens or monitors their behavior within the EU.  The PDPC has created a factsheet on

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