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Insider threats in cybersecurity: When employees sabotage 
Insider threats in cybersecurity: When employees sabotage 
Insider threats in cybersecurity: When employees sabotage 
Insider threats in cybersecurity: When employees sabotage 

Insider threats in cybersecurity: When employees sabotage 

Employees are considered the weakest link when it comes to the organisation’s cybersecurity. Provided that employees have access to the personal data that the organisation manages, employee sabotage is the biggest insider threat that must be addressed before it becomes a problem in the future.

What malware can do to your system: 5 things to watch out for

Malware, or “malicious software,” is any application that is meant to harm your device and data. Malware of various forms, such as trojans, viruses, ransomware, spyware, and worms, can be placed on your company’s systems. Every year, millions of people fall prey to a cyber threat, and you and your staff are no exception. Here are five examples of what malware may accomplish.

Yes, you can win against phishing attacks.

Phishing attacks have become a global problem that is seemingly an unbreakable trend, with hackers acting like vultures that are increasingly becoming sophisticated in how they scam people and exploit their vulnerabilities. Thankfully, there is a way to win against it and be safe from the looming risk that it accompanies.

9 reasons why a competitor analysis is important for your business

No matter how big or small your business is, it’s important to know who your biggest competitors are. It’s best to know how you are performing on the playing field full of market share hogs. With mompetitor analysis, it provides businesses edge as they can stay ahead of the marketing race by learning what your top competitors are doing online.

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