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Colorado City Forced To Pay $45,000 Ransom To Decrypt Files
Colorado City Forced To Pay $45,000 Ransom To Decrypt Files
Colorado City Forced To Pay $45,000 Ransom To Decrypt Files
Colorado City Forced To Pay $45,000 Ransom To Decrypt Files

Colorado City Forced To Pay $45,000 Ransom To Decrypt Files

Colorado City Forced To Pay $45,000 Ransom To Decrypt Files A city in Colorado, USA, has been forced to pay $45,000 after the City’s devices were encrypted in July, and they were unable to restore necessary files from backup. On July 27th, the City of Lafayette suffered a ransomware attack that impacted their phone services, email,

Network Intruders Selling Access To High-Value Companies

Network Intruders Selling Access To High-Value Companies Breaching corporate networks and selling access to them is a business in and of itself. For many hackers, this is how they make their living, others do it forced by financial struggles to supplement their revenue. One actor claiming they returned to black hat activities after laying low

SANS Infosec Training Org Suffers Data Breach After Phishing Attack

SANS Infosec Training Org Suffers Data Breach After Phishing Attack The SANS cybersecurity training organization has suffered a data breach after one of their employees fell victim to a phishing attack. The SANS Institute is one of the largest organizations that offer information security training and security certification to users worldwide. In a notification posted to their site

World’s Largest Cruise Line Operator Carnival Hit By Ransomware

World’s Largest Cruise Line Operator Carnival Hit By Ransomware Cruise line operator Carnival Corporation has disclosed that one of their brands suffered a ransomware attack over the past weekend. Carnival Corporation is the largest cruise operator in the world with over 150,000 employees and 13 million guests annually. The cruise line operates under the brands

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