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Author: Privacy Ninja

List of well-known web sites that port scan their visitors
List of well-known web sites that port scan their visitors
List of well-known web sites that port scan their visitors
List of well-known web sites that port scan their visitors

List of well-known web sites that port scan their visitors

Many well-known and heavily used web sites are using a fraud protection script that port scans your local computer for remote access programs. Last weekend, news heavily circulated that was port scanning visitors’ computers when they browsed their site. This port scanning was conducted by the LexisNexis’ ThreatMetrix fraud protection script used to detect potentially hacked computers making fraudulent purchases.

SMS Kidnap Scam demanding ransom: S’pore police

KIDNAP SCAM – Anyone who wishes to submit information pertaining to such cases can call the police hotline or do so online. If you are someone who recently received a text message that claimed to be from someone who had kidnapped one of your loved ones and demanded you transfer over money, you are not

Taiwan government database leaked on dark web 2020

Taiwan Government Database Leaked – Leak contains personal information on more than 20 million Taiwanese TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — It was reported on Friday (May 29) that a government database of more than 20 million Taiwanese citizens was leaked on the dark web. According to researchers at Cyble Inc., Toogod, a “known and reputable actor”

Mercedes Benz Data Leak Lesson: Lock Down Code Repositories

Mercedes-Benz Data Leak – Luckily for Car Giant, Access Control Gaff Didn’t Expose Secret Data – This Time   Don’t forget to lock down online shared code repositories, as Mercedes-Benz parent company Daimler AG learned the hard way after a researcher was able to access nearly 9 GB of software development documentation from a misconfigured

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