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Author: Privacy Ninja

Windows 10 2009 Is Almost Here, Released To Enterprise For Testing
Windows 10 2009 Is Almost Here, Released To Enterprise For Testing
Windows 10 2009 Is Almost Here, Released To Enterprise For Testing
Windows 10 2009 Is Almost Here, Released To Enterprise For Testing

Windows 10 2009 Is Almost Here, Released To Enterprise For Testing

Windows 10 2009 Is Almost Here, Released To Enterprise For Testing The Windows 10 2009 feature update, also known as Windows 10 20H2, is almost ready, and Microsoft has released the latest version to the enterprise for testing via the Windows Server Update Service (WSUS). Like Windows 10 1909, Windows 10 20H2 is being released as

235 Million Instagram, TikTok And YouTube User Profiles Exposed In Massive Data Leak

235 Million Instagram, TikTok And YouTube User Profiles Exposed In Massive Data Leak The security research team at Comparitech today disclosed how an unsecured database left almost 235 million Instagram, TikTok and YouTube user profiles exposed online in what can only be described as a massive data leak. Recently there has been a spate of

Dutch Hackers Found A Simple Way To Mess With Traffic Lights

Dutch Hackers Found A Simple Way To Mess With Traffic Lights By reverse-engineering apps intended for cyclists, security researchers found they could cause delays in at least 10 cities from anywhere in the world. In movies like Die Hard 4 and The Italian Job, hijacking traffic lights over the internet looks easy. But real-world traffic-light hacking, demonstrated by security

How Hackers Bled 118 Bitcoins Out of Covid Researchers in U.S.

Transcripts reveal University of California at San Francisco’s weeklong negotiation to free its ransomware-locked servers. The haggling worked, sort of. The negotiator entered the chatroom four days after the attack. Hackers had locked down several servers used by the epidemiology and biostatistics department at the University of California at San Francisco, and wanted a $3 million

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