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Author: Privacy Ninja

Finnish Psychotherapy Clinic Discloses Data Breach, Victims Extorted
Finnish Psychotherapy Clinic Discloses Data Breach, Victims Extorted
Finnish Psychotherapy Clinic Discloses Data Breach, Victims Extorted
Finnish Psychotherapy Clinic Discloses Data Breach, Victims Extorted

Finnish Psychotherapy Clinic Discloses Data Breach, Victims Extorted

Finnish Psychotherapy Clinic Discloses Data Breach, Victims Extorted A large psychotherapy clinic in Finland is under heavy stress after a threat actor asked a ransom for a client database with confidential information stolen in a data breach that likely happened almost two years ago. Thousands of patient records may be at risk as the private clinic

Google Employees Personal Info Exposed In Law Firm Data Breach

Google Employees Personal Info Exposed In Law Firm Data Breach Immigration law firm Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP has disclosed a data breach that exposed current and former Google employees’ personal information. Fragomen is one of the USA’s largest law firms covering immigration law, with over 582 attorneys in 47 locations worldwide. Data

Angry YouTube-dl Users Flood GitHub With New Repos After Takedown

Angry YouTube-dl Users Flood GitHub With New Repos After Takedown Users of the extremely popular YouTube-dl YouTube media downloader have flooded GitHub with new repositories containing the tool’s source code after GitHub took down the project’s repositories on Friday. YouTube-dl is a command-line program that can be used to download multimedia content from YouTube and several other sites; before being removed,

Microsoft Is Throttling Windows 10 20H2 Availability For All Users

Microsoft Is Throttling Windows 10 20H2 Availability For All Users Microsoft is currently throttling Windows 10, version 20H2 availability to provide all users who want to upgrade with a positive experience while downloading and upgrading the OS. After Windows 10 20H2 (aka the October 2020 Update) was released on October 20, it immediately started rolling out to users

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