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Author: Privacy Ninja

Luxottica Data Breach Exposes 820K EyeMed, LensCrafters Patients
Luxottica Data Breach Exposes 820K EyeMed, LensCrafters Patients
Luxottica Data Breach Exposes 820K EyeMed, LensCrafters Patients
Luxottica Data Breach Exposes 820K EyeMed, LensCrafters Patients

Luxottica Data Breach Exposes 820K EyeMed, LensCrafters Patients

Luxottica Data Breach Exposes 820K EyeMed, LensCrafters Patients 11/12/20 update below. This post was originally published on November 7th. A Luxottica data breach has exposed the personal and protected health information of 829,454 patients at LensCrafters, Target Optical, EyeMed, and other eye care practices. Luxottica is the world’s largest eyewear company with a portfolio of well-known eyeglass brands,

DNS Cache Poisoning Attacks Return Due To Linux Weakness

DNS Cache Poisoning Attacks Return Due To Linux Weakness Researchers from Tsinghua University and the University of California have identified a new method that can be used to conduct DNS cache poisoning attacks. The new discovery revives a 2008 bug that had once been thought to have resolved for good. What is DNS spoofing or cache

Google Fixes More Chrome Zero-days Exploited In The Wild

Google Fixes More Chrome Zero-days Exploited In The Wild Google has released Chrome 86.0.4240.198 for Windows, Mac, and Linux to address two zero-day vulnerabilities exploited in the wild. Google Chrome 86.0.4240.198 will roll out over the coming days. To upgrade, you have to go to Settings -> Help -> ‘About Google Chrome’ to allow the browser to automatically check for the

New Tool Lets Attackers Easily Create Reply-chain Phishing Emails

New Tool Lets Attackers Easily Create Reply-chain Phishing Emails A new email tool advertised on a cybercriminal forum provides a stealthier method for carrying out fraud or malware attacks by allowing messages to be injected directly into the victim’s inbox. By slipping content in the normal email flow, the utility can help bypass protections that

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