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Author: Privacy Ninja

Microsoft Issues Guidance For DNS Cache Poisoning Vulnerability
Microsoft Issues Guidance For DNS Cache Poisoning Vulnerability
Microsoft Issues Guidance For DNS Cache Poisoning Vulnerability
Microsoft Issues Guidance For DNS Cache Poisoning Vulnerability

Microsoft Issues Guidance For DNS Cache Poisoning Vulnerability

Microsoft Issues Guidance For DNS Cache Poisoning Vulnerability Microsoft issued guidance on how to mitigate a DNS cache poisoning vulnerability reported by security researchers from the University of California and Tsinghua University. Successfully exploiting the vulnerability could allow attackers to use modified DNS records to redirect a target to a malicious website under their control as part of DNS

Microsoft December 2020 Patch Tuesday Fixes 58 Vulnerabilities

Microsoft December 2020 Patch Tuesday Fixes 58 Vulnerabilities Today is Microsoft’s December 2020 Patch Tuesday, and Windows administrators will be scrambling to put out fires, so be kind to them. With the December 2020 Patch Tuesday security updates release, Microsoft has released fixes for 58 vulnerabilities and one advisory for Microsoft products. Of the 58 vulnerabilities fixed today, nine

Windows 10 Cumulative Updates KB4592449 & KB4592438 Released

Windows 10 Cumulative Updates KB4592449 & KB4592438 Released The first batch of security updates or ‘B’ updates for the month of ‘December 2020’ is now available for all supported versions of Windows 10 including version 20H2. If you want to grab these updates, check for updates in the Settings and the update will begin installing. If you don’t

Norway: Russian APT28 State Hackers Likely Behind Parliament Attack

Norway: Russian APT28 State Hackers Likely Behind Parliament Attack Russian-backed hacking group APT28 has likely brute-forced multiple Norwegian Parliament (Stortinget) email accounts on August 24, 2020, according to the Norwegian Police Security Service (PST, short for Politiets Sikkerhetstjeneste). Attackers gained access to a limited number of Stortinget email accounts of representatives and employees as disclosed by Stortinget director Marianne

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