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Author: Privacy Ninja

Trickbot updates its VNC module for high-value targets
Trickbot updates its VNC module for high-value targets
Trickbot updates its VNC module for high-value targets
Trickbot updates its VNC module for high-value targets

Trickbot updates its VNC module for high-value targets

Trickbot updates its VNC module for high-value targets The Trickbot botnet malware that often distributes various ransomware strains, continues to be the most prevalent threat as its developers update the VNC module used for remote control over infected systems. Its activity has been increasing constantly since the complete disruption of the Emotet botnet in January,

Vulnerability Assessment vs Penetration Testing: And Why You Need Both

Vulnerability Assessment vs Penetration Testing: And Why You Need Both Business organizations are often misinformed and are having a hard time distinguishing vulnerability assessment vs penetration testing. These two processes are closely-related, but have different purposes. In more frequent situations, company executives often ask for a penetration test when what they really need is a

Chinese hackers use new SolarWinds zero-day in targeted attacks

Chinese hackers use new SolarWinds zero-day in targeted attacks China-based hackers known to target US defense and software companies are now targeting organizations using a vulnerability in the SolarWinds Serv-U FTP server. Today, SolarWinds released a security update for a zero-day vulnerability in Serv-U FTP servers that allow remote code execution when SSH is enabled. According to SolarWinds,

A Google Drive Security Update Will Break Some of Your Shared Links

A Google Drive Security Update Will Break Some of Your Shared Links An upcoming security update for Google Drive will increase the security of your shared documents but likely break many of your shared links. Yesterday, Google began emailing Google Workspace admins about a new security update for Google Drive rolling out on September 13th,

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