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Author: Privacy Ninja

Hacking Group Used ProxyLogon Exploits to Breach Hotels Worldwide
Hacking Group Used ProxyLogon Exploits to Breach Hotels Worldwide
Hacking Group Used ProxyLogon Exploits to Breach Hotels Worldwide
Hacking Group Used ProxyLogon Exploits to Breach Hotels Worldwide

Hacking Group Used ProxyLogon Exploits to Breach Hotels Worldwide

Hacking Group Used ProxyLogon Exploits to Breach Hotels Worldwide A newly discovered cyberespionage group has been targeting hotels worldwide around the world since at least 2019, as well as higher-profile targets such as governments, international organizations, law firms, and engineering companies. Slovakian internet security firm ESET spotted the hacking group (dubbed FamousSparrow) and described it as an

Apple Patches New Zero-day Bug Used to Hack iPhones and Macs

Apple Patches New Zero-day Bug Used to Hack iPhones and Macs Apple has released security updates to fix a zero-day vulnerability exploited in the wild by attackers to hack into iPhones and Macs running older iOS and macOS versions. The zero-day patched today (tracked as CVE-2021-30869) [1, 2] was found in the XNU operating system kernel and was

Malware Devs Trick Windows Validation With Malformed Certs

Malware Devs Trick Windows Validation With Malformed Certs Google researchers spotted malware developers creating malformed code signatures seen as valid in Windows to bypass security software. This tactic is actively used to push OpenSUpdater, a family of unwanted software also known as riskware, which injects ads into victims’ browsers and installs other unwanted programs onto their devices. Campaigns

Google Tests If ‘Chrome/100.0’ User agent breaks websites

Google Tests If ‘Chrome/100.0’ User agent breaks websites Google is testing whether changing the Chrome user agent to three-digit ‘Chrome/100’ will cause loss of functionality on websites that are expecting a two digit version number. A user agent is a string sent by a web browser to a website to let the site know what

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