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Author: Privacy Ninja

Windows 10 KB5007253 Update Released With Network Printing fixes
Windows 10 KB5007253 Update Released With Network Printing fixes
Windows 10 KB5007253 Update Released With Network Printing fixes
Windows 10 KB5007253 Update Released With Network Printing fixes

Windows 10 KB5007253 Update Released With Network Printing fixes

Windows 10 KB5007253 Update Released With Network Printing fixes Microsoft has released the optional KB5007253 Preview cumulative update for Windows 10 2004, Windows 10 20H2, Windows 10 21H1, and Windows 10 21H2. Microsoft claims this update fixes network printing issues causing 0x000006e4, 0x0000007c, or 0x00000709 error codes to be displayed. The KB5007253 cumulative update preview is

Germany to Force ISPs to Give Discounts for Slow Internet Speeds

Germany to Force ISPs to Give Discounts for Slow Internet Speeds A new regulation coming in the form of an amendment in the Telecommunications Act of Germany could radically change the relationship between consumers and internet service providers. According to the draft, users will be able to test their internet speeds and, if there’s a

Hackers Exploit Microsoft MSHTML Bug to Steal Google, Instagram Creds

Hackers Exploit Microsoft MSHTML Bug to Steal Google, Instagram Creds A newly discovered Iranian threat actor is stealing Google and Instagram credentials belonging to Farsi-speaking targets worldwide using a new PowerShell-based stealer dubbed PowerShortShell by security researchers at SafeBreach Labs. The info stealer is also used for Telegram surveillance and collecting system information from compromised

FBI: Online Shoppers Risk Losing Over $53M to Holiday Scams

FBI: Online Shoppers Risk Losing Over $53M to Holiday Scams The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) warned today that online shoppers risk losing more than $53 million during this year’s holiday season to scams promising bargains and hard-to-find gifts. “During the 2020 holiday shopping season, the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) received over 17,000 complaints regarding

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