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Author: Privacy Ninja

Microsoft Previews New Endpoint Security Solution for SMBs
Microsoft Previews New Endpoint Security Solution for SMBs
Microsoft Previews New Endpoint Security Solution for SMBs
Microsoft Previews New Endpoint Security Solution for SMBs

Microsoft Previews New Endpoint Security Solution for SMBs

Microsoft Previews New Endpoint Security Solution for SMBs Microsoft Defender for Business, a new endpoint security solution specially built for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), is now rolling out in preview worldwide. It helps businesses with up to 300 employees defend against cybersecurity threats, including ransomware, malware, and phishing, across Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android

Cox Discloses Data Breach After Hacker Impersonates Support Agent

Cox Discloses Data Breach After Hacker Impersonates Support Agent Cox Communications has disclosed a data breach after a hacker impersonated a support agent to gain access to customers’ personal information. Cox Communications, aka Cox Cable, is a digital cable provider and telecommunication company that provides internet, television, and phone services in the USA. This week, customers

SanDisk SecureAccess Bug Allows Brute Forcing Vault Passwords

SanDisk SecureAccess Bug Allows Brute Forcing Vault Passwords Western Digital has fixed a security vulnerability that enabled attackers to brute force SanDisk SecureAccess passwords and access the users’ protected files. SanDisk SecureAccess (now rebranded to SanDisk PrivateAccess) allows storing and protecting sensitive files on SanDisk USB flash drives. “SanDisk SecureAccess 3.02 was using a one-way cryptographic

Fujitsu Pins Japanese Govt Data Breach on Stolen ProjectWEB Accounts

Fujitsu Pins Japanese Govt Data Breach on Stolen ProjectWEB Accounts Fujitsu says the attackers behind the May data breach used a vulnerability in the company’s ProjectWEB information-sharing tool to steal accounts from legitimate users and access proprietary data belonging to multiple Japanese government agencies. The National Cyber ​​Security Center (NISC) of Japan and the country’s

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