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Author: Privacy Ninja

Major Discord API Outage Prevents Logins and Voice Chats
Major Discord API Outage Prevents Logins and Voice Chats
Major Discord API Outage Prevents Logins and Voice Chats
Major Discord API Outage Prevents Logins and Voice Chats

Major Discord API Outage Prevents Logins and Voice Chats

Major Discord API Outage Prevents Logins and Voice Chats Discord is suffering a ‘massive outage’ preventing users from logging in to the service or using voice chats. The outage started at 2:49 PM EST and was originally caused by a widespread API outage. However, after resolving the issue, Discord reported that they discovered a problem

German Govt Warns of APT27 Hackers Backdooring Business Networks

German Govt Warns of APT27 Hackers Backdooring Business Networks The BfV German domestic intelligence services (short for Bun­des­amt für Ver­fas­sungs­schutz) warn of ongoing attacks coordinated by the APT27 Chinese-backed hacking group. This active campaign is targeting German commercial organizations, with the attackers using the HyperBro remote access trojans (RAT) to backdoor their networks. HyperBro helps the

Let’s Encrypt is Revoking Lots of SSL Certificates in Two Days

Let’s Encrypt is Revoking Lots of SSL Certificates in Two Days Let’s Encrypt will begin revoking certain SSL/TLS certificates issued within the last 90 days due to a bug, starting January 28, 2022. The move could impact millions of active Let’s Encrypt certificates. As a non-profit certificate authority run by Internet Security Research Group (ISRG), Let’s Encrypt provides X.509

QNAP Warns of New DeadBolt Ransomware Encrypting NAS Devices

QNAP Warns of New DeadBolt Ransomware Encrypting NAS Devices QNAP is warning customers again to secure their Internet-exposed Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices to defend against ongoing and widespread attacks targeting their data with the new DeadBolt ransomware strain. “DeadBolt has been widely targeting all NAS exposed to the Internet without any protection and encrypting users’ data

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