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Author: Privacy Ninja

Seller Floods Hacker Forum With Data Stolen From 14 Companies
Seller Floods Hacker Forum With Data Stolen From 14 Companies
Seller Floods Hacker Forum With Data Stolen From 14 Companies
Seller Floods Hacker Forum With Data Stolen From 14 Companies

Seller Floods Hacker Forum With Data Stolen From 14 Companies

Seller Floods Hacker Forum With Data Stolen From 14 Companies A data breach broker is selling databases containing user records for 14 different companies he claimed were breached by hackers in 2020. When a company is breached, threat actors will typically download accessible databases, including account records. These databases are then sold directly to other

Business Giant Xerox Allegedly Suffers Maze Ransomware Attack

Business Giant Xerox Allegedly Suffers Maze Ransomware Attack Maze ransomware operators have updated their list of victims adding Xerox Corporation to the roster. It appears that the encryption routine had completed on June 25. The company has yet to confirm or deny a cyberattack on its network but screenshots from the attacker show that computers

Government Bans 59 Apps Including China-Based TikTok, WeChat

Government Bans 59 Apps Including China-Based TikTok, WeChat Image for representational purpose only.   | Photo Credit: Getty Images The IT Ministry said that this move will “safeguard the interests of crores of Indian mobile and internet users” The Government of India on Monday banned 59 applications, most of them popular Chinese applications such as TikTok,

Why Certain Characters “Glitch” Gmail, Youtube, And Twitter

Why Certain Characters “Glitch” Gmail, Youtube, And Twitter Have you ever used Twitter, Gmail, or YouTube and noticed odd characters being displayed vertically overlay other text on the page or break out UI boundaries? If so and have wondered how this is happening, we dive into the wonderful world of Unicode that causes this behavior. For

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