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Author: Privacy Ninja

BLURtooth Vulnerability Lets Attackers Defeat Bluetooth Encryption
BLURtooth Vulnerability Lets Attackers Defeat Bluetooth Encryption
BLURtooth Vulnerability Lets Attackers Defeat Bluetooth Encryption
BLURtooth Vulnerability Lets Attackers Defeat Bluetooth Encryption

BLURtooth Vulnerability Lets Attackers Defeat Bluetooth Encryption

BLURtooth Vulnerability Lets Attackers Defeat Bluetooth Encryption A vulnerability exists in certain implementations of Bluetooth 4.0 through 5.0 which allows an attacker to overwrite or lower the strength of the pairing key, giving them access to authenticated services. The bug was discovered independently by two teams of academic researchers and received the name BLURtooth. It

ProLock Ransomware Increases Payment Demand And Victim Count

ProLock Ransomware Increases Payment Demand And Victim Count Using standard tactics, the operators of ProLock ransomware were able to deploy a large number of attacks over the past six months, averaging close to one target every day. Following a failed start in late 2019, under the name PwndLocker, due to a crypto bug that allowed

Microsoft Edge Now Gives You More Control Of Your Downloads

Microsoft Edge Now Gives You More Control Of Your Downloads Microsoft is porting a feature from Edge Classic that gives users more control over how they can download files in the browser. In Microsoft Edge Classic, when performing downloads, the browser would ask if you would like to download and run the program, save it

Azure Now Installs Security Updates On Windows VMs Automatically

Azure Now Installs Security Updates On Windows VMs Automatically Microsoft has announced a new Azure capability known as automatic VM guest patching and designed to automatically apply patch Windows virtual machines against newly discovered vulnerabilities. The new feature is now in Public Preview for Windows virtual machines on Azure and it is designed to help admins maintain

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