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Author: Privacy Ninja

Access:7 Vulnerabilities Impact Medical and IoT Devices
Access:7 Vulnerabilities Impact Medical and IoT Devices
Access:7 Vulnerabilities Impact Medical and IoT Devices
Access:7 Vulnerabilities Impact Medical and IoT Devices

Access:7 Vulnerabilities Impact Medical and IoT Devices

Access:7 Vulnerabilities Impact Medical and IoT Devices A set of seven vulnerabilities collectively tracked as Access:7 have been found in PTC’s Axeda agent, a solution used for remote access and management of over 150 connected devices from more than 100 vendors. Three of the security issues received a severity score of at least 9.4 (critical)

Exploring the dangers of game scams on children

The dangers of game scams on children Although the scams kids find themselves in may not result in such high monetary losses, these games still pose a certain degree of risk. There are some loopholes that scammers can exploit to get money away from the gaming accounts of children. According to experts at Privacy Ninja,

Microsoft Suspends All New Sales in Russia

Microsoft Suspends All New Sales in Russia Microsoft announced it will stop all new sales of services and products in Russia in response to Russia’s “unjustified, unprovoked and unlawful invasion” of Ukraine. “We are announcing today that we will suspend all new sales of Microsoft products and services in Russia,” Microsoft President and Vice-Chair Brad

Russia Asks Google to end “misinformation” on “special op” in Ukraine

Russia Asks Google to end “misinformation” on “special op” in Ukraine Roskomnadzor, Russia’s telecommunications watchdog, asked Google to stop advertising campaigns spreading misinformation about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on YouTube videos. As the Russian telecoms watchdog claims, online ads with inaccurate content and no age labels are being used to instill “protest moods” and push

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