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Author: Privacy Ninja

Enel Group Hit By Ransomware Again, Netwalker Demands $14 Million
Enel Group Hit By Ransomware Again, Netwalker Demands $14 Million
Enel Group Hit By Ransomware Again, Netwalker Demands $14 Million
Enel Group Hit By Ransomware Again, Netwalker Demands $14 Million

Enel Group Hit By Ransomware Again, Netwalker Demands $14 Million

Enel Group Hit By Ransomware Again, Netwalker Demands $14 Million Multinational energy company Enel Group has been hit by a ransomware attack for the second time this year. This time by Netwalker, who is asking a $14 million ransom for the decryption key and to not release several terabytes of stolen data. Enel is one of the

Steelcase Furniture Giant Hit By Ryuk Ransomware Attack

Steelcase Furniture Giant Hit By Ryuk Ransomware Attack Office furniture giant Steelcase has suffered a ransomware attack that forced them to shut down their network to contain the attack’s spread. Steelcase is the largest office furniture manufacturer globally, with 13,000 employees and $3.7 billion in 2020. Steelcase suffers a Ryuk ransomware attack In an 8-K

FBI: Hackers Stole Government Source Code Via SonarQube Instances

FBI: Hackers Stole Government Source Code Via SonarQube Instances The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issued a flash alert warning of hackers stealing data from U.S. government agencies and enterprise organizations via internet-exposed and insecure SonarQube instances. SonarQube is an open-source platform for automated code quality auditing and static analysis to discover bugs and security vulnerabilities

Amazon Sacks Insiders Over Data Leak, Alerts Customers

Amazon Sacks Insiders Over Data Leak, Alerts Customers Amazon has recently terminated employees responsible for leaking customer data, including their email addresses, to an unaffiliated third-party in violation of company policies. The company has sent out an email announcement to affected customers following the incident. Affected Amazon customers confused Over the weekend, reports emerged on Twitter

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